Do you struggle with nerves? Even professional athletes and performers do. During period of stress, the brain releases adrenaline and other chemicals that prepare the body to act. This acts to increase energy, alertness and excitement which can be very useful in short doses prior to sport or performance of any kind.  Sometimes people experience racing thoughts, pounding heart, breathlessness, jitters and other uncomfortable symptoms of anxiety. These physical changes and cognitive distractions can affect your sport performance.   

Personality traits, past experiences, varying comfort levels and genetics play a role in the development of anxiety and pre performance nerves.  But these are treatable conditions, so if any symptoms are too uncomfortable, or hinder performance, it is possible to do something about it.    

Some athletes start by identifying and exploring the little “worried inner voice” or self-talk. You might consider what triggers it and what quietens it.  If physical symptoms of nerves are strong, try breathing slowly from the abdomen, or doing some guided relaxation.  If cognitive symptoms are present, try challenging unhelpful thoughts with more helpful ones, or being organised with planning, routines and lists. 

Often strategies work best if they are tailored to individual needs. Also, all strategies need practice, and most people struggle to manage anxiety because they want a quick fix. Finding the source of the unhelpful voice, the pressure or the feelings is often important to enable long term change. Making an appointment with a qualified sport psychologist to identify triggers, specific symptoms and get individually tailored management strategies will likely make this process easier and quicker than doing it alone.

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