Pressure is common to all areas of life. Athletes, dancers, performers, musicians, managers, students, employees and parents of all levels of experience can feel pressure to perform or meet expectations.

Pressure may appear when beginning a new activity. It is common for people to feel pressure from wanting to do well.

Often people feel pressure from comparing themselves to other people in a similar role, for instance swimmers in the same event, parents of children the same age, executives in a similar position.

Some people feel pressure to uphold a certain level of performance. Having performed at a high level in he past, especially if this was a public performance, it is likely that pressure will be felt if endeavoring to repeat the performance.

Pressure comes can come from oneself or from others.

Wanting to do well, is not the issue; comparing performance or individuals is.

Every situation and performer is unique.

Focusing on the present and oneself allows for optimal performance.

If pressure is an issue for you, you may like to book an appointment to discuss further.

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